The White Palace on the hill

The Weizmann House is an architectural pearl in the Israeli landscape, and an attraction for architects and the general public. The house was designed by the renowned Jewish-German architect Erich Mendelson. The unique structure of the house combines modern architecture, local elements and the personal taste of Dr. Vera Weizmann.



Elected President of the State of Israel. In his opening speech at the Knesset, he states, “We must build a new bridge, connecting science with the human spirit. ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish.’ All my life I have endeavored to make science and research the basis of our national undertaking. But I also know that beyond science, there are lofty values that hold the solution to the ills of mankind, the values of justice and honesty, peace and fraternity.” 


Meets with President Truman to ensure his support of the establishment of the Jewish State. 
Elected President of the Provisional State Council of Israel. A telegram that he receives from the Council states, “At this moment of the establishment of the Jewish State, we send our blessings to you, the individual who has done more than any other man living among us, for the sake of its creation. Your steadfastness and assistance has strengthened all of us. We look forward to the day when we see you serving as the head of a State established in peace.”


The British Government hands over the entire discussion about the future of the Palestine to the United Nations in the U.S., which establishes the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP). Weizmann testifies in Jerusalem before the UNSCOP committee, stating, “Independence is not the right only of the Arabs. We Jews have an equal right to it. This gathering is not entitled to decide that the Arabs’ right to an eighth state necessarily nullifies the right of the Jews to have a single, unique, independent, national life.” 


His son, Michael, a pilot in Britain’s Royal Air Force, is declared missing, his plane shot down over the sea. 
Participates in the Biltmore Conference in New York, which passes a proposal that Palestine be established as a Jewish Commonwealth. Clashes with Ben-Gurion on this topic.


The St. James Conference, known as the Round Table Conference, takes place in London. MacDonald discusses the moral right of Arabs to self-determination. In May, a White Paper is published that, in effect, can destroy the Zionist dream. 
Weizmann harshly condemns the policy that has been adopted by Britain. But with the outbreak of World War II, he promises to provide Britain with all possible assistance through the Jewish population in Israel and around the world. 
Works on establishing a Jewish brigade within the British Army.


At the Twentieth Zionist Congress in Zurich on August 4, 1937, in the wake of the conclusions of the Peel Commission, Weizmann supports the proposal for the partition of the Palestine into an Arab and a Jewish state. In his speech, he stated, “At this historic moment, allow me to turn to the Arab nation…The Arab nation has a grand tradition. To this nation, we have extended our hands [in peace].